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50 YEARS OF COFFEE1966. In Italy mass retailers taking its first steps, but the coffee is still buys in bulk, inthe shop or in the roasting. A Verzuolo, Dario Trucco opens with two partners roasting coffee Tiemme. The business idea that inspires Coffee Tiemme is to offer a product of excellence, focusing on raw material selection, on craftsmanship of roasting and distribution are able to deliver a product after roasting and packing. When, after a few years, it is growing, Dario Trucco detects a membership fee; continues to produce and distribute coffeeTiemme, but roasting time is all his and his name is Dario Makeup & C. CONTACTS. Today coffee Excelsior, has become an irresistible pleasure for lovers of tastealso internationallya nd 'the recognition of craftsmanship Piedmont as an expression of best Made in Italy tradition.


HO.RE.CA. COFFEE BLENDS GEM LINE Precious blends created
by the balanced combination of Arabica and Robusta coffee,the intense flavor and persistence of the cream give these blends an
unsurpassed fullness according to the true Italian tradition.

ORGANIC COFFEE BLEND A 100% arabica blend of coffee beans, composed by washed Arabica from Perù, Mexico and Colombia,cultivated on high ground and all from organic farming.
The selection of these origins, the careful processing and the slow
roasting give the fine mixture acidity, balanced body and aromatic
taste. It reveals notes of almond, chocolate and vanilla which
satisfy the taste and maintain good persistence in mouth.

SPIRIT OF INDIA 100% Arabica washed blend made from Indian
quality beans of Mysore, Coorg and Chikmagalur; with its refined Aromashowing honey, vanilla and cocoa notes. Reveals and elegant andbalanced body with a medium intensity. The taste is smooth, sweetywith a pleasantly sour and spicy and citrus notes. The aftertaste revealsan intense flavour of chocolate; this mixmeets them most demandingpalates and it is dedicated to a particular connoisseur.

PANAMA Rich blend of the ten best varieties of coffee found in the
world. Of which, the Panama, with its intense aroma showing floral
and fruit notes and hints of toast and chocolate. The taste is smoothand consistent, this mix is dedicated to a particular connoisseur.

Brewed with precision for a great tasting cup

Excelsior produces and selects high quality products for its wide variety of costumers.Use the filter below to choose the category of products you are looking for. Some are made especially for your home, some for professionals and some others for the office.

A coffee, Some are made especially for your home, some for professionals and some others for the office


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